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Rhett May
The Journey of Rhett May Rhett May owes his rare musical sound and style to the unique environment that he grew up in. Born in 1950, in Calcutta, India, he was immediately immersed in a magical, musical melting pot. Carnatic and Hindustani music and instruments such as the Sitar and Tabla w

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Seventh Tower
"Musicians are usually able to identify and dissect their influences, and examine what it is that makes them tick. It takes a great musician to exercise these influences along with their own songwriting muscle. SeventhTower does just that, releasing a debut EP that comfortably falls in line with t

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Ryan Casper
“Ryan Casper is real. He is the music he sings, which he does with power and authority. If he doesn’t reach the top of Country music, it will be the industry’s loss.”-Howard Phelps of WLBQ Radio, Morgantown, KY “Ryan is the most talented rising star I have interview

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O prezenta feminina fermecatoare si inedita a scenei rock din Romania, Aura a dovedit in nenumarate randuri ca si Alba ca zapada poate sa cante rock ! La prima vedere ai crede ca o fata blonda si miniona nu ar face fata unui concert rock, insa de fiecare data a uimit prin atmosfera nebuneasca cre

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Beware of You
Beware of You are a heavy pop punk band from Dublin, Ireland. They take influences from bands such as Tonight Alive, Four Year Strong, and Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! Forming in February 2015, they have two Eps out called ‘Self Portraits’ and ‘Bears’. They are set

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