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The Police
The Police este o formatie rock alcatuita din 3 membri: basistul/principalul vocalist Sting (Gordon Sumner), chitaristul Andy Summers si tobosarul Stewart Copeland. Formatia a devenit un fenomen global in anii "80, cantand un stil de rock influentat de alte genuri: jazz, reggae si punk. Albumul lor

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The MOOod
The MOOoD este o trupa de rock alternativ din Romania, formata in aprilie 2006 de Marius Moise (voce), Bogdan Spirea (tobe, backing vocals), Mircea Valah (chitara, backing vocals) si Virgil Chitu (bas). De la primul concert, in noiembrie 2006, trupa se afla intr-o continua evolutie, cantand alaturi

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The Mono Jacks
The Mono Jacks, din Bucuresti, Romania, pot fi asemanati cu o grindina din 4 fragmente al carui sound visceral, marcat de stilul indie aminteste de Interpol, Editors si White Lies.Inca de la primul concert, la sfarsitul lui 2008, trupa a daramat asteptarile si a devenit in scurt timp cel mai bun deb

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"Tamika is the real deal...I would put her up against any of the best female singers out there! I"ve had the pleasure to tour with Fergue from the BlackEyePeas, Haley from Paramore and many more and she is just as great if not better than all of them." -Jon Wilkes Tour Drummer ( Red Jump

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The Calling
Biografie Infiintata in Los Angeles, formatia rock The Calling este compusa din cinci tineri talentati - Alex Band (solist), Aaron Kamin si Sean Woolstenhulme (chitara), Billy Mohler (bass), si Nate Wood (tobe) - hotarati sa cucereasca publicul prin muzica lor. Kamin si Band au devenit prieteni inca

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