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Legendara trupa Queen a confirmat lansarea pe 17 noiembrie, a editiei aniversare de 40 de ani, a albumului lor classic "News of the World". 
Elementul central al acestei editii este cd-ul cu sesiuni neprelucrate, ce includ versiunile alternative ale pieselor de pe LP-ul original, precum si un DVD cu materialul documentar din 1977 "Queen: The American Dream", trei postere si o carte cu 60 de pagini cu imagini.

Lansat initial pe 28 octombrie 1977, albumul News of the World, a fost cel de-al saselea album si a continut single-urile devenite hituri “We Will Rock You,” “We Are the Champions” si “Spread Your Wings.” Acest album este cel mai bine vandut album al trupei din intreaga cariera, avand vandute peste 6 milioane de copii si a fost declarat si de patru ori album de platina in Statele Unite.

Pana la aparitia LP-ului fanii pot gusta din muzica Queen din materialele postate pe Youtube:

Aveti mai jos si lista materialului anuntat pe 17 noiembrie.

Queen – News of the World 40th Anniversary Edition 

Vinyl LP: Inregistrari noi, pur analogice
Side One
1.  “We Will Rock You”
2.  “We Are the Champions”
3.  “Sheer Heart Attack”
4.  “All Dead, All Dead”
5.  “Spread Your Wings”
6.  “Fight From the Inside”
Side Two
1.  “Get Down, Make Love”
2.  “Sleeping on the Sidewalk”
3.  “Who Needs You”
4.  “It’s Late”
5.  “My Melancholy Blues”

CD 1: The Original Album (Bob Ludwig 2011 master)
1.  “We Will Rock You”
2.  “We Are The Champions”
3.  “Sheer Heart Attack”
4.  “All Dead, All Dead”
5.  “Spread Your Wings”
6.  “Fight From The Inside”
7.  “Get Down, Make Love”
8.  “Sleeping On The Sidewalk”
9.  “Who Needs You”
10. “It’s Late”
11. “My Melancholy Blues”

CD2: Raw Sessions
1.  “We Will Rock You” (Alternative Version)
2.  “We Are the Champions” (Alternative Version)
3.  “Sheer Heart Attack” (Original Rough Mix)
4.  “All Dead, All Dead” (Original Rough Mix)
5.  “Spread Your Wings”  (Alternative Take)
6.  “Fight From the Inside” (Demo Vocal Version)
7.  “Get Down, Make Love” (Early Take)
8.  “Sleeping on the Sidewalk” (Live in the USA, 1977)
9.  “Who Needs You” (Acoustic Take)
10. “It’s Late” (Alternative Version)
11. “My Melancholy Blues” (Original Rough Mix)

CD3: Bonus Tracks
1.  “Feelings Feelings”
2.  “We Will Rock You”
3.  “We Will Rock You (Fast)”
4.  “Spread Your Wings”
5.  “It’s Late”
6.  “My Melancholy Blues”
7.  “We Will Rock You”
8.  “We Are the Champions”
9.  “Spread Your Wings”
10.  “Fight From The Inside”
11.  “Get Down, Make Love”
12.  “It’s Late” (USA Radio Edit 1978)
13.  “Sheer Heart Attack” (Live in Paris 1979)
14.  “We Will Rock You” (Live in Tokyo 1982)
15.  “My Melancholy Blues” (Live in Houston 1977)
16.  “Get Down, Make Love” (Live in Montreal 1981)
17.  “Spread Your Wings” (Live in Europe 1979)
18.  “We Will Rock You” (Live at the MK Bowl 1982)
19.  “We Are the Champions” (Live at the MK Bowl 1982)

DVD: "Queen: The American Dream"